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Alien King Crashes the Wedding (Lumerian Knights Book 1) Page 2

  Hooking up with one of the big warriors wasn’t in her plans. Ever. No matter how sexy they are. “So, get it together, Sasha,” she whispered aloud to herself. “Focus on finding Rachel.” She looked at her phone again and checked for any messages. Nothing. She looked around again. Were people starting to stare at her? Maybe I should try to find Rachel instead of waiting for her down here? Maybe she forgot her phone or lost it? There are tons of people here. I could be waiting for hours.

  The banquet hall was seriously packed and the place was enormous, with multiple rooms, and a grand staircase leading to the second and third floors. It looked like a greenhouse, there were so many plants. In the center of the main banquet area, the architect had created a small raised rock pond complete with a three-tiered waterfall. It was gorgeous. Low lighting and comfortable seating. Banquet tables piled high with plenty of food created by the food synthesizers. The smells were both familiar and exotic. Her mouth began to water. Sasha swallowed and looked around again. She felt tiny and weak surrounded by so many of them. Just stay out of their way. All of them. Especially the males. Rachel said the only thing they like more than fighting is fucking and showing off their markings. Sasha shifted in place, her cheeks flushing as her mind circled back once again to the big alien. I wonder what the big Caldorian’s markings look like? Too bad he hasn’t taken off his shirt like most of the other warriors here.

  Sasha peeked up at the top floor where she’d glimpsed him a few minutes earlier. He was standing with his back to the balcony railing, talking to someone out of her line of sight. She visually followed his broad, muscular shoulders down to a trim waist in the perfect v-shape. He could probably carry me around all day without breaking a sweat. Or do other naughty things. Sasha blushed as a zing of desire shot straight to her core.

  Feeling self-conscious, Sasha smoothed her hand over her dress, thankful Rachel had sent it to her. It was electric blue and fit like a glove, crisscrossing over her ample breasts and leaving her back entirely bare. She would have spent hours agonizing over what to wear tonight. It wasn’t every day a girl got to meet real live aliens. They were becoming so popular she wouldn’t be surprised if some of them were getting regular fan mail from tall, super-hot models. Or sex. Or both.

  “Definitely both,” she murmured. Sasha scrunched her pert little nose. She knew she’d missed out on beautiful by about a foot. Everyone she knew described her as cute. She hated cute. Cute was for kittens and baby pandas.

  “Come on, Rachel. Pick up the phone,” Sasha grumbled and texted Rachel again when another call went straight to voicemail. “Where are you?”

  Chapter Three

  “Dagan, forgive me.” Rachel winked mischievously as she released Dagan from a second hug. “I’ve heard so much about you from Cam. I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you!”

  “As have I, Miss Faro. Your honor is mine, bride of my brother,” Dagan responded. Rachel wouldn’t understand the pledge, as she had no idea Dagan was the ruling king of the Western Sector on Caldor. The pledge was, in fact, a promise of royal Caldorian protection. Cam and the other warriors in the group knew and nodded to show Dagan that it was heard and accepted. Cam grabbed Dagan and pounded him on the back, words unnecessary. Cam could tell her about the royalty part later. That was how Dagan liked to keep things. Simple. Low key. No fuss.

  “Thank you, Dagan,” Rachel replied. “What a sweet thing to say. I’m so glad you were able to come to Earth on such short notice. I know it means a lot to Cam that you’re here. I hope you can stay for the whole celebration. I think Earth has a lot to offer.” Rachel smiled and gave Dagan an appraising look. “You’re even bigger than I thought you’d be. Oh well, as they say, ‘The bigger they are, the harder they fall’, and all that.” Rachel patted Dagan in mock sympathy.

  “Dagan. Friend,” Cam gritted through his teeth. “Go sit and eat so that my bride will stop touching that ugly lump of flesh you call a body and I have to pound you into the ground.”

  “He could try.” Dagan winked conspiratorially back at Rachel just to piss Cam off a little more, then beat a hasty retreat so that he could eat in peace. He’d only allowed her touch to mess with his friend, he mused. He wasn’t the type to go for another man’s girl. He supposed Cam knew that about him, too, or he wouldn’t be sitting down at all, regardless of his sovereignty.

  Dagan rolled his shoulders to release some of his earlier tension as he began eating. Traveling off planet was always risky, especially when trying to blend in and not draw attention to the fact that he was one of only four rulers on Caldor. It’s one reason my warriors wear exactly the same uniforms as every other Caldorian warrior stationed off planet. The visible ones, anyway. Can’t hide who I am if they give it away.

  Dagan grinned as his friend came over to join him a few minutes later. “Two years is too long, Cam. You’ve been missed. Looking at your beautiful bride, I can see why you didn’t come home when you had the chance.” Dagan held up his glass to toast his friend. “Let’s celebrate. Here’s to my best friend finding true love!” They clinked glasses and Dagan added with a twinkle in his eye, “She seems like a feisty one! Don’t stay for long or she’ll box my ears for monopolizing your time.”

  Cam’s eyes softened momentarily as his gaze sought out his bride, lingering on her expanding waistline. “She is most definitely feisty. I love that about her. She will be a wonderful mother and partner. But I’m afraid it’s too late for your ears. I just told her about your incident outside. Rachel thinks it might be her friend Sasha. She tried to reach her, but she’s not answering her phone. Rachel didn’t look happy, so start praying. ‘Feisty’ would be a mild description for her temper if anything happens to her friends.”

  Dagan groaned.

  “That’s right,” Cam said with a grin. “So remember to play nice and I might not tell her about the six-hundred-pound cub you thought was lost and conned me into ‘saving’ when we were eight. Rachel actually thinks you’re a good guy. I’d hate to burst the fantasy for her.” Cam chuckled and gave Dagan a smack on the back.

  Dagan coughed but refused to acknowledge the stinging handprint he knew was on his back. It was a game they’d played since they were small children to see who was tougher. Neither one had ever admitted defeat. “Do it and I’ll tell her how you went looking for that cub’s mama and lured it into the fucking palace that night for a family reunion. In my bedroom,” he growled. “As for the ladies, I’ll play more than nice when I find one who wants me and not my crown.” Dagan frowned and gave Cam a good healthy retaliatory slug.

  “Ah,” wheezed Cam. “The cruel irony of being royal. All the power and riches, but none of the love. Such a lonely, pathetic existence. You should give up all that money and power and wander the deserts of Caldor, hungry and penniless, until you find your one true love.”

  “Point taken, asshole,” Dagan rumbled.

  Cam cleared his throat, his expression getting serious. “Rachel wants me to make Earth a permanent deployment. Assuming you agree, of course.”

  Dagan contemplated his food, careful not to show any feelings of disappointment. “I assumed you and Rachel would be returning to Caldor.” He looked at Cam and continued seriously, “If you want to stay here, Cam, I won’t say no as long as you stay on mission.”

  Cam nodded thoughtfully and they sat in comfortable silence while Dagan finished his meal. After the last bite, he sat back and took a good look around for the first time since reaching the large banquet hall. The whole place invited one to relax. “The commander has done well,” Dagan said approvingly, unwilling to dwell on his best friend’s desire to make Earth his permanent home. “These humans have no idea this is a battle-ready structure.”

  “True. Commander Bashall is especially talented in such endeavors, and one of the reasons he was selected above the others. He’s off base on personal leave, but when he returns, I can pass along the praise,” Cam said.

  Dagan nodded to let Cam know he agreed with the suggestion
and let his eyes wander leisurely around the room, taking note of various groups. His eyebrows lifted in surprise at how many humans were in attendance. He refused to admit he was scanning the room for a certain delectable little blonde, and stretched his legs out.

  With Cam’s growled warning about not scaring the humans still fresh in his mind, Dagan decided that his best bet would be to steer clear of them whenever possible. He knew how big and intimidating people found him, even among his own kind. He rolled his head to ease the tightness in his neck and shoulders, and took a sip of his yavo juice. Mmm. Much better. He was about to close his eyes in contentment when his attention was caught by a movement and flash of color at the door. Instantly, he was captivated.

  It was the woman who’d run from him earlier. She was even more stunningly beautiful up close. She looked fragile. Ethereal. Dagan felt as if he’d been punched in the gut. Mine. Dagan rose to take a wide stance at the railing so that he could see her better, and all thoughts of relaxation vanished.

  She’s so small, I could crush her. She had curves that didn’t quit, and wavy, waist-length silvery blonde hair he wanted to get wrapped up in. Her eyes, even at this distance, were a brilliant blue, and her lips were full and made for kissing. She was alone, so he knew she wasn’t attached to a warrior.

  If she’s unattached, every available male here tonight will be after her soon. Dagan scowled as he looked around at the hundreds of Caldorians attending Cam’s week-long binding ceremony. Dagan growled softly. Unacceptable. He watched her scan the crowd, then fumble in her bag for something. She looked just as anxious as she had outside.

  Dagan tensed as his protective instincts roared at him to eliminate any and all threats to her. He took another look around, this time sizing up potential targets. He would crush anyone who wanted to harm this tiny human. He visually checked his surroundings, looking for hidden threats. Whatever had her scared, the threat wasn’t coming from inside the banquet hall. Maybe she was nervous about being alone in a room full of ‘alien’ warriors, Dagan mused. Beautiful and smart.

  Attention centered squarely on the little human once again, Dagan stared unashamedly at her, committing her to memory. She was small but very curvy. Even without his superior vision, Dagan would have been able to see that her large nipples were pebbled and clearly delineated through the thin fabric of her gown as if throwing down a gauntlet, issuing a challenge directly at him. Dagan let out a groan as his cock hardened. Challenge accepted.

  Dagan watched as she crossed her arms beneath her perfectly rounded breasts. The move pushed the fabric together, allowing him an enticing view of her cleavage, tantalizing his senses with their creamy softness. They would be a handful, even for him. A bolt of need shot straight into his hardening shaft as he imagined taking her right there in front of everyone. He wanted there to be no doubt as to whom she belonged. I will never let you go, princess. I am not like any of your human lovers. We keep what’s ours.

  Dagan thought about what he knew of human interactions. He growled low in his chest, keenly aware of how possessive he already felt, and not caring in the least. There are thousands of unattached males on this base, with hardly any unattached females, he realized with sudden anger. He knew he would have to tolerate other men near her, and his instincts blazed to life. He needed to mark her and keep her close.

  Dagan clenched his fists to keep from marching down there and approaching her before he formulated a plan. Dagan thought about his conversation with Cam as he studied the petite beauty. He would take his friend’s advice, he decided, and do things the Caldorian way. His fingers itched to touch her soft skin. He stared, transfixed, as he imagined what he would like to do.

  First, I will strip you out of that sexy as hell dress so that I can see my prize, then lay you down on that oversized sofa near the fireplace. I’ll kiss every inch of your delectable body, and use my hands and mouth everywhere, learning your body’s secrets, listening for the little sounds you make to let me know what you like. Dagan groaned aloud. You will give me control as I spread you, unable to close your legs as my fingers and mouth bring you to orgasm over and over before I bury my cock deep inside you.

  Dagan imagined how responsive she would be to his touch, how eager for his possession. He didn’t think there was any way the little human could know his every thought, but her body reacted as if she knew, and approved. Do humans have that kind of mental ability? Some kind of telepathic connection? Does she know I’m up here thinking about her? He growled with anticipation as her pebbled nipples pushed against her dress and her breathing quickened. She blushed shyly, pulled her hair in front of her and turned her body slightly away. He used every ounce of willpower he had to resist going to her.

  First things first, then. Dagan turned his back to the rail and motioned Cam to lean closer. “Who is the woman by the door?” he asked in a hushed tone. He didn’t want anyone to know of his intentions before he had a chance to implement the first part of his plan. His shy little human might decide to leave him high and dry before he had a chance to make his case. He looked toward the door again, making sure she was still there, undisturbed.

  Cam looked to the door and back again with a frown. “That, my friend, is Sasha. My bride’s best friend and attendant this week.”

  “That’s her. The one from earlier,” Dagan muttered. “She’s Rachel’s best friend?”

  “What? She’s here?” Rachel asked excitedly as she walked up to where Dagan and Cam had secluded themselves. At the same moment, her phone chimed. She quickly checked her messages. “I’m so excited! I can’t wait until you meet her, Cam!” she said as she brushed a quick tear away. “I’ve really missed her,” she added, already headed for the stairs.

  Chapter Four

  “Sasha!” Rachel yelled as she pushed through the crowd. The girls embraced, happy to see each other after so long. Rachel hooked her arm through Sasha’s and led her toward the stairs. “I’m staying up top, but we can take our time going up. All the good food is down here. Did you have any problems getting here? I tried to call and check on you, but you didn’t pick up.”

  “No. Just my usual.” Sasha waved her hand in dismissal. She really didn’t want to share what had happened earlier with anyone. “You look fantastic! You’re going to make a beautiful bride, and I can’t wait until we go shopping for baby clothes and maternity stuff this week! I’m so happy for you and Cam!”

  Rachel grinned and rubbed her quickly expanding waistline. She was only a couple of inches taller than Sasha. The baby had nowhere to go but out. Her auburn hair was swept up into artful disarray, her natural curls piled loosely atop her head, and her translucent skin glowed with good health. She was wearing a navy-blue dress with an empire waist. She looked terrific, as always. Sasha grinned and gave her another squeeze.

  “Me, too! I’ve been wearing a lot of Cam’s shirts now that mine don’t fit anymore. He totally gets off on it, though.” Rachel smiled playfully, clearly happy about the situation. “He thinks I don’t know how to use the nano tech built into his clothes to make them fit me. He doesn’t realize I just like wearing them that way.” Both girls were still laughing and talking a few minutes later when Rachel’s sister, Ashlyn, showed up and another round of hugs were in order. Eventually the three girls decided they’d talked long enough and needed to return to the top floor, where the bride and groom were expected to stay.

  Sasha was feeling much more relaxed now that her friends were with her. They continued talking as they made their way up the stairs, arm in arm. “I’m so glad you’re here already, Ashlyn!” Sasha smiled. “I thought you weren’t going to make it until tomorrow. Don’t leave me alone with your sister.” Sasha continued in a whisper for theatrical effect, knowing Rachel could hear every word, “You know how she is.”

  Ashlyn grinned. “I found a very helpful pilot who managed to coax the ticketing agent to change my flight plans. I flew first class all the way.” All three girls giggled and hugged again like schoolgirls as they re
membered some of their more outrageous escapades. Most of them ended with somebody naked. Usually Ashlyn.

  Still talking, they reached the top of the stairs and strolled, arm in arm, toward a waiting group of Caldorian warriors. As they approached, still arm in arm, the warriors stood and turned toward them. Sasha immediately noticed that the huge black-haired warrior was among them, only this time she could see that he had brilliant aquamarine eyes surrounded by extra-long black lashes.

  Sasha froze. Her heart began pounding so hard the material of her dress stretched across her breasts fluttered with every beat. He’d taken his shirt off like most of the other warriors and, like them, wore a black tactical shoulder sling that hung over his left shoulder. A second, smaller strap attached to the sling in the front just above his sternum left his right shoulder completely bare. Sasha licked suddenly dry lips. The black sling somehow added to his masculine appeal. He looked good enough to eat, with a broad, heavily muscled chest, chiseled abs, and massive shoulders that were covered in large, dark blue whorls. He wore black uniform pants and a black utility belt. He looked dangerous. Powerful. Lethal. Her nipples grew rigid and she crossed her arms protectively over the telltale sign of arousal, suddenly wishing the material of her dress wasn’t so thin and clingy. Her body’s untimely response didn’t escape notice. He glanced at her breasts, then back up to her flaming face. She wanted to sink into the floor and die right there when he smiled, his eyes twinkling.

  Rachel gently nudged Sasha to move forward, but she didn’t budge. Her legs simply refused to work, which Rachel must have realized, because she motioned for the warriors to come over. Sasha swallowed nervously as the big, sexy warrior with the aquamarine eyes stepped in first, never taking his eyes off her.