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Alien King Crashes the Wedding Page 4

  Sasha’s heart raced and she began to shake as flashes of a different scene unfolded in her mind, overshadowing her thoughts of Dagan. No more loss. She clenched her fists and shook her head, trying to stave off the panic rising inside her. No. Not now. Not now. But the memories refused to stay at bay, and she squeezed her eyes shut, forced to relive every horrific moment of the past. She shook her head again, desperate, tormented, unaware of her friends watching, and their sudden concern. Their sympathy. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t explain. Her parents. Her brothers. Lost. All lost. Had it not been for her begging and pleading for them to come home, they would have stayed at their universities. Studied. Taken more classes. Lived.

  Sasha clenched her jaw and covered her ears, but it was no use. Vivid memories replayed in her mind, with all the sounds, textures, and smells of that tragic night. Her brothers had flown in for the special occasion. The day of her high school graduation had finally arrived. She remembered their laughter in the small car, joking about the cramped space as they traveled to her favorite restaurant in celebration. Then fear as her father swerved to avoid an oncoming car that had blown a tire and was out of control. The impact. Spinning. Rolling end over end. Glass shattering and slicing through her tender flesh. Blood. So much blood. The sound of metal crunching and twisting. Sounds of agony. Blood spewing across her face, in her mouth. Everywhere. The metallic taste choking her. Screams. Pain. The smell of burning rubber and gasoline. The smell of death.

  Sasha put a trembling hand over her mouth as bile rose to the back of her throat and tears threatened to spill over. She’d relived the crash over and over for five years, and it still shattered her every time. She knew she could never live through that kind of loss again. She squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them again and tilted her head to the side so she could peek under her lashes to where she sensed Dagan was still standing with Rachel’s intended husband, Cam. He must have been waiting for her to look at him because he immediately stopped talking to Cam and stared right back at her. His smile quickly faded, only to be replaced by a look of concern as he turned fully toward her, his eyebrows raised in surprise and inquiry, his hand reaching out like he wanted to come to her. Comfort her. Shit. Sasha looked away, her cheeks burning. Don’t look at me. Don’t watch me fall apart.

  “He’s been following you with his eyes for the past two hours, hoping to catch your eye,” Ashlyn added carefully, not wanting to upset her friend any more than she already was, but needing to say something. “It’s okay to let yourself live and be happy, Sasha.”

  Sasha nodded but her throat was too constricted with emotion to answer. She took a deep breath and lowered her hands back to the table. She picked up her fork and picked at her food, determined not to give in to the panic attack this time. Her pounding heart slowly returned to a steady beat and she took a bite of fruit from her plate and chewed slowly.

  “Definitely,” agreed Rachel before changing the subject, not wanting Sasha to withdraw any further into herself. “And I have to congratulate myself. I knew that dress would look amazing on you! Somebody’s going to have to mop the floor, there’s so much drool on it.” Rachel smiled good-naturedly as Sasha’s cheeks reddened again.

  “I love the dress. Thank you for sending it.” She sniffed, grateful to have such amazing, supportive friends. “Next time get a bigger size. It fits everywhere but my chest, as usual. I feel like I’m going to pop out.” Sasha grimaced. She looked at Rachel, thankful for her friend’s willingness to ignore her moment of weakness and change the subject so that she could compose herself.

  “Not a chance,” Rachel snorted. “If I’d gotten a bigger size you would’ve been walking around with a baggy ass. Your girls will survive.” Rachel and her sister both snickered.

  Ashlyn chimed in, “And if they pop out, there are about six hundred big, sexy warriors here tonight who would probably love to help you put them back in, not to mention Dagan! Come to think of it, I should try that.” She winked and adjusted her own dress to reveal more cleavage. “Plenty of big strong aliens to choose from. I might have to sample a few before the week is over,” she added mischievously.

  Rachel’s eyes rolled at her sister’s antics, which were clearly designed to get a smile out of Sasha. When the ploy worked, both girls sighed in relief and the panic attack was all but forgotten. “Well, I think Dagan would rather help you out of that dress, not put you back in it.”

  Sasha blushed furiously as her mind circled back to Dagan yet again, and she remembered how she‘d felt pressed up against his rock-hard chest. Rock-hard abs. Rock-hard everything. She suddenly wished she knew more about him. So I don’t send the wrong message again. Not because I’m curious about a huge, sexy warrior who looks at me like I’m the main course and he’s a starving man.

  Chapter Six

  Monday 11:00 p.m.

  * * *

  Sasha sat alone on a large sofa near a secluded wall of windows. She looked out at the city skyline in the distance. It was spectacular, with the lights of the city spread out for miles. She’d managed to avoid Dagan all day, but she’d missed out on several activities because of it. That was fine with her. She wasn’t really in a partying mood, and if she was honest with herself, she couldn’t stop thinking about the big warrior, so better to do it away from prying eyes. He’d tried several times to come over to her, but she’d managed to get past the crowds of people and disappear before he could get too close. She refused to acknowledge any hint of disappointment at her successful evasion, or the twinge of regret twisting her heart. She sighed.

  Were Rachel and Ashlyn right about the kiss? About Caldorian men and their possessiveness? What had Rachel said? Territorial. They’re primal and territorial. Dagan would probably demand her complete surrender. She couldn’t do that. Could she? Were her friends right about her? Watching Rachel and Cam together over the past two days, seeing their love and happiness, made Sasha think about what Ashlyn had said, and her heart gave a painful lurch. Had she been avoiding commitments for the past five years? Refusing to open up and take chances? Had she dated Ben because it was easy to avoid commitment? To avoid getting hurt? Is that what I’m doing now, avoiding Dagan? Avoiding my feelings? Something deep inside told her Dagan would never allow her to get away with that if they were together. The pain of losing her family was still a raw, bleeding wound. She loved her friends, and they hadn’t abandoned her. She wasn’t afraid of losing them. Could she risk loving someone new? Someone like Dagan?

  She imagined what Dagan would say to her if he knew how much she wanted him. Would he know that she needed him to take charge? That she would need his help to overcome her fears and her innate shyness?

  Sasha froze. Dagan stood across the room, as if waiting for her to see him. Unmoving. Watchful. Sasha could see the determined set to his shoulders and the hunger in his gaze as he locked eyes with her. When he didn’t approach, she wondered nervously what he was doing there. Had he come looking for her? He nodded but remained where he was standing. Sasha’s heart skipped a beat before thundering painfully through her chest. He must know I would run if he came closer. I would, wouldn’t I? She couldn’t look away. Her heart hammered out a nervous rhythm, full of longing for something that was just out of reach.

  She wanted to go to him. Touch him. Trace the markings covering his shoulders and upper arms. Rub her breasts across his chest and feel his abs clench as she felt her way down his body. Feel his lips on her. Something long dead inside her stirred. Her body was waking up and she yearned for his touch. For the sound of his deep voice.

  Sasha couldn’t move as Dagan shifted his stance and made a deep, rumbling noise in his chest that she heard all the way across the room. Her panties were suddenly soaked with her desire. Heat spread up from her deepest core and her skin flushed brightly as she struggled to control her erratic pulse. Her lips parted and her tongue peeked out just long enough to wet her lips. She watched in fascination as he took a deep breath and his nostrils flared with awareness, his determined aquamarine eyes locking her into place. He didn’t blink. Didn’t move. She was trapped by his gaze until, finally, his attention shifted to her mouth. Dagan closed his eyes and raised his arms to run his hands through his thick, short black hair before locking his hands behind his head and stretching back, presumably to relieve tight muscles. Or make me drool. She let out a wistful sigh. With his arms raised, every chiseled muscle in his abs tightened and his biceps flexed and bulged. He was sculpted absolutely everywhere. He should be on a calendar somewhere with a body like that. Did he know what he was doing to her, she wondered? He’s beyond hot. I just want to lick him all over. I wonder what he’s thinking right now.

  Dagan lowered his arms back to his sides but stayed where he was until she turned away. His face was an unreadable mask, but his eyes were full of triumph. There was no way she would look at him like that if she wasn’t interested, Dagan told himself as he finally retraced his path to the main floor. He hadn’t been sure after he’d kissed her and then she ignored him, but he no longer doubted his senses. She’d responded like a woman who wanted what she saw. Mission accomplished. He’d needed to be sure of her before he put the next part of his plan into action. Dagan shook his head and smiled slowly, a bit rattled by the intensity of their silent exchange.

  Chapter Seven

  Tuesday 4:30 p.m.

  * * *

  Dagan scowled and slammed his fist into his thigh in frustration, right on top of the wickedly nasty scrapes and bruises he’d just gotten. “Fucking hell, that hurts!” he shouted, more to release his frustration over his lack of progress with Sasha than anger over the cuts and contusions. It’s been two days. Every time I think I’m making progress, she runs. I need a new plan.

  At the sound of laughter behind him, however, he didn’t bother to look back over his shoulder. There would be nothing to see. He knew they were cloaked again. Invisible. Lumerian Knights; a myth to all but the royal families on Caldor since their planet had been destroyed almost two thousand years ago. Only their acoustic cloaking mode had been disabled long enough to make sure he heard their ribald insults. Fuckers. They wanted him to see, too, but they were too close to the edge of the field to risk showing themselves any closer to the base. Risk discovery. Instead of turning around, he growled with dark humor, “You bastards! Three on one? Couldn’t just take a beating one by one? Had to jump me all together like a bunch of little newborn fire cats?”

  Dagan shook his head and gave a reluctant grin at the absurdity of his own comment. His Knights were highly trained, deadly hunters. Spies. Predators. His secret weapons. Newborn fire cats, on the other hand, were small, fuzzy feline creatures that could fit in the palm of his hand at birth. They were weak and extremely vulnerable to predators until their mother breathed fire over their fur, changing the soft fuzzy hairs into hardened, impenetrable scales.

  He and his Knights had been engaged in a mock battle in a private forested area on the base, far from casual passersby, for most of the day. He’d been ambushed. He could have taken down three ordinary Caldorians. Against Lumerians, even he hadn’t stood a chance; although they’d disabled their spectral cloaking armor for the ensuing battle and were dressed in the same full body uniform Dagan was wearing in order to stay warm in the icy temperatures outside.

  They’re the best warriors I've ever seen, fierce and deadly to anyone standing in their way, and together they could take down a small army. I put up a good fight, though, and they have a few bruises of their own. He smiled to himself, proud of the small victory, for Lumerians were almost impossible to take down.

  Dagan’s stomach growled and he unobtrusively tried to stretch his cramping muscles. They were all tired and hungry, and Dagan couldn’t wait to get back to the banquet hall where he knew fresh food and yavo juice would be either piled on the banquet tables or just a thought away with the food synthesizers. He wanted some maju water, too, but per the game rules, only the winning team would get a bottle, which was known to heal minor injuries when ingested, so everyone fought that much harder to win. He’d been no different, and his body was riddled with the painful evidence of his efforts. Fucking Lumerians. They’re tough bastards, and nearly as big as me. Every damned one of them.

  After more laughter and a few guffaws, he finally chuckled, too, but not before raising his middle finger to the lot of them. He may not be able to see them at the moment, but there was nothing stopping them from seeing him. He’d recently learned the meaning of the Earth gesture and used it with enthusiasm amidst more laughter and good-natured ribbing. He rolled his stiff shoulders and grinned at their inventive descriptions of his overly large, clumsy body. He could handle as much grief as he gave out. After all, they’d been together so long they were like family, and he’d regularly trained with them since he was fifteen. That was the year his father had shared their secret with him. The only person he’d ever told was his best friend and childhood companion, Cam, and it was a decision he’d never regretted.

  Just as Dagan was leaving the last of the wooded area, he spotted Cam walking toward him across the field, past the line of visible guards standing at regular intervals near the tree line. He took a moment to visually inspect them. Dedicated. Alert. Highly visible, as one would expect a king’s guard to be. No one would suspect I’ve replaced my regular guards with Lumerian Knights. He knew they were all loyal and would give their lives to protect the royal family. Which will soon include my little human, if she’ll just let me past her defenses.

  Dagan confidently strode past the last of the trees and entered the open field area. He decided to stop and wait for Cam, giving his aching thigh a rest. He wanted to rub the damn thing but resisted. He’d been hurt far worse before this. He could tough it out.

  As Dagan waited, his thoughts turned inevitably back toward Sasha. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her, and had been doing exactly that when he was caught in the trap. Had his mind been on the game, he might not have fallen for the ruse. His heart gave an unfamiliar pang as he considered the possibility that she might actually be leaving in a few days and he could lose her. He needed a new plan.

  I have no trouble managing an entire sector of a planet ten times the size of Earth, but can’t get one tiny, stubborn little female to spend time alone with me. Human women were obviously more complex than he’d bargained on. Perhaps he shouldn’t have been so confident that first night after all. Not to worry, little one, I’ll plan much more carefully from now on.

  At least one thing was going his way. The other Caldorians were being very careful not to go near Sasha. They recognized what she apparently didn’t. He’d made a very bold, territorial move by hugging and kissing her the way he had. That should be enough to keep all but the most determined suitors away from her until he could convince her they belonged together. He refused to believe she wasn’t interested. She could try to convince him of it. She could run. She could say she didn’t want him, but her nipples hardened every time he got near.

  “Dagan! Hey! I’m glad I caught you out here!” Cam said tensely as he stopped in front of Dagan. “The base commander asked me to set up a private meeting with you. I figured this would be his only chance with your schedule as packed as it is,” Cam explained. “He should be here any minute,” he said as he glanced at the time monitor attached to his uniform.

  “Sure. No problem.” Dagan frowned. “Wasn’t he headed back to Caldor on leave to see his family?” Dagan sighed, not unhappy to see the commander, just tired and sore from the long day. He had actually intended to see him on this trip, but the commander had already left.

  “Yes. Something must have come up.” Cam crossed his arms over his chest and stood waiting for the commander to appear. “Let’s hope it isn’t anything to do with the Vilitos again. Whatever the reason for his early return, it must be something big,” Cam cautioned quietly. “He’s a good man and I like him, although he was digging into the archives before he left, searching for old references to Lumeria.”

  “I see him. What does he think he knows about them?” Dagan studied the commander as he approached. He looked like all commanders who bear heavy responsibilities. Focused. Confident. Determined. He was clearly a warrior in his prime. Dagan maintained an easy stance through years of practice. Only the tick in his jaw gave away any hint of tension.

  "Haven’t a clue. There’s nothing in the archives past the total annihilation of their planet. No survivors. I checked them myself. The records don’t even say who did it, just that it was ordered by the Council,” Cam murmured quietly just as the commander arrived.

  “Congratulations once again on the first Earth-Caldorian binding ceremony, Ambassador Shronti,” Commander Bashall said by way of greeting Cam. He and Cam clasped forearms briefly in traditional Caldorian fashion.

  “Good of you to come to my binding ceremony, Commander. Rachel will be thrilled you’re here. I heard some of her friends want to meet the warrior seen so recently on the news. It seems you have fans among the humans.” He chuckled. “Even I was impressed by the gruesomeness of that beheading. Serves the Vilitos right for trying to break through our defense system. And please, don’t give the king any more fodder for his twisted sense of humor. Call me Cam,” he said, grinning.