Alien Knight Blind Date Disaster (Lumerian Knights Book 3) Page 4
“I see.” What kind of game was this alien playing? Lifting her water glass to her lips, she stopped to give a small salute to the two other aliens who were either simple observers, friends or bodyguards. Both males immediately averted their gazes, seemingly engrossed in their menus, which was perfect because it gave her a moment to inspect them from head to toe. Yes, she’d been correct the first time. All three of them were wearing the same shirt. Same pants. Same damn shoes. Exactly the same.
Weird. So, who was this guy? Really? Who could afford all this stuff? Who was playing whom? Why was he here? How did he gain access to the cash needed to purchase the high-dollar shoes, the Armani clothing, the Rolex and the car? Her previous contacts hadn’t seemed nearly as well-to-do. They were middlemen. Sleazy, with cold, shifty eyes. They’d given her the creeps from the start. But not John.
Isabella sighed. She couldn’t be sure, but based on what she’d seen so far, she didn’t doubt a red sports car was, in fact, parked behind the restaurant. He had spent a lot of money to play this game with her, and she was determined to see where it might end. Damned if he didn’t test her patience to the limit, though. She took a deep, calming breath.
“Have you ever been claimed by a man?” Falden asked in a low, sexy tone, surprising himself with the question as much as her.
Isabella froze in her seat. “What did you just ask me?”
He leaned in, pleased when she did the same. “I suppose in Earth language I asked if you are a virgin.”
Isabella leaned back, crossing her arms. “That’s what I thought you meant. Gee, I don’t know. Are you a prehistoric caveman?”
He took his time answering, looking his fill. “You did not answer my question.”
“Why would I?” she fumed. “Are you a virgin? Do you need me to be gentle and go slow?”
His lips twitched with amusement. “I am merely inquiring about your previous lovers. I wish to know how to please you.”
“What?” This was, by far, the most bizarre conversation she had ever had. Ever. “You can’t be serious.” Who was this guy kidding? Did he truly think he was going to interfere in her investigation, lie to her, act like an ass and then get her to sleep with him? All in one night? “Ambitious, aren’t you?”
His gaze darkened, and the look he gave her made her core clench with heat. She was as wet as the ocean from that look and from the thought of his hands all over her. Hands. Mouth. Rock-hard—
“I need to know, Isabella.”
His eyes. God. He was serious. And the way he said her name had her pressing her thighs together in a feeble attempt to ignore the inferno between her legs.
Lifting her napkin from her lap, she stood up like there was a fire under her backside. He stood as well and nodded, suddenly the gentleman. Odd behavior for a douchebag black market dealer. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I need to use the ladies’ room.”
She walked quickly to back hallway, knowing Jessica would meet her there, just as they’d arranged ahead of time. She was still fuming, pacing and tapping her small red handbag against the nearest sink when Jessica finally walked into the otherwise empty restroom.
“What the ever-loving hell is up with that guy?” The words exploded from Isabella’s mouth before Jessica had the chance to blink. “Were you listening to that?”
“Yes,” Jessica assured her, tapping the tiny earpiece.
“And did you hear him ask me if I was a virgin? Like it was any of his business?” she nearly shouted, completely outraged.
Jessica shrugged. “I don’t know. At first I thought he was just another jerk, like your ex. But after listening to the two of you, I think maybe he’s just an alien who is trying to impress you and has no clue how to do it. If you weren’t undercover and he wasn’t a criminal douchebag, I’d tell you to go for it. After you set him straight, of course. He is seriously hot.”
Isabella shook her head. “No. No way. He either has psychological issues or he’s purposely trying to throw me off. I’m telling you. No one is that weird.”
“He’s an alien. Don’t forget that. A.L.I.E.N.”
“No. My radar is going off at DEFCON 1. There is something else going on here.”
Jessica crossed her arms and tapped her own four-inch heels, in black. “Of course there is. Look in the mirror. You’re wearing a wig and glasses. And you think he’s the one playing games? This isn’t a real date, remember? So stop letting him get under your skin and wrap this up. Give him the key to the locker and tell him only half the merch is in there like we planned. Tell him he’ll get the rest after his payment goes through. Then leave. You’ll be one step closer to your goal. To finding Sevron and his brother. One step closer to getting paid for real. One step closer to information.”
Jessica had a point. And that game was the entire reason for this blind date. She was here to get information out of John and make an exchange. That was it. But that was proving to be incredibly difficult when one minute she wanted to smack him and the next she wanted to climb him and ride his hard body like a wild woman for hours. He was hot. Sexy. Virile. He even smelled too good to be true, clean and fresh, with hints of sandalwood and spice. Pure male. Her body was interfering with her head, and that was not good. And the ridiculous things he said? She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, slap him or kiss him senseless.
“I better slow down on the Scotch.” Even now heat spread through her abdomen and moved into her veins, but to be perfectly honest, she didn’t know if the heat was from the alcohol or “John.” Either way, the languorous feeling would not help her resist the nearly perfect physical specimen sitting at the table waiting for her return. “Scratch that. Time to stop altogether. If I drink another drop, I won’t care if he’s an asshole. I’ll just want to jump on him and go for a ride.”
“You already want to do that.” Jessica was checking her lipstick in the mirror. She looked beautiful, as usual. “And who are the hotties in the booth? Backup? His wingmen?” She grinned.
“I don’t know.”
“Want me to find out?” Jessica waggled her eyebrows.
That made Isabella smile. “I think you want to find out. There are two of them. You do realize that?”
“And they are both fine specimens of man meat. I’d settle for either one.”
“Or both?”
That made Jessica laugh. “Maybe.”
“God, you haven’t changed at all.” They’d been friends since college, and they both knew Jessica had a bit of a wild side when it came to sexual play. The exact opposite of straitlaced Isabella, who had a small list of serious ex-boyfriends.
Jessica placed powder on her nose and sprayed her wrists with a spritz of perfume. “I’m young. I’m single. And they are drop-dead gorgeous. If I don’t go say hello, it’ll be a wasted opportunity to learn more about the Caldorians and their base. There are three aliens here, not just one. And you need information for your story. So I’ll sacrifice myself on the altar of friendship.”
“Some sacrifice.”
Jessica’s grin was infectious. “Exactly.” She dropped the perfume bottle into her small clutch and left Isabella alone with her thoughts, all of which revolved around the sexy alien sitting out there waiting to tell her more lies.
After Jessica left, Isabella stood in front of the mirror, her thoughts more about John than focused on her appearance. He was right about one thing; she didn’t know him and didn’t trust him. So far she’d learned absolutely nothing about him. She’d only asked him one real question about his job, which he easily dodged. If the black market contact who’d set up this meeting for her was correct—and he usually was—then even of the Caldorians didn’t know the truth about what was going on outside the walls of their precious base.
Forbidden tech was everywhere, sold to the highest bidder. Sevron had supplied her with enough goods to keep up her farce as a dealer who could get alien tech for several more months, but tonight was supposed to be a breakthrough in her investigation. The man she
was supposed to meet was reported to be one of the highest-ranking members of the criminal organization that ran Earth’s black market.
And he was supposed to have a soft spot for redheads.
Isabella ran her fingers through the false hair on her head and straightened her appearance. Time to shake of the lust and get back to work. John didn’t know the code words. John was not the man she was supposed to meet.
So where was he? Had John killed him and taken his place?
Chapter Three
The female who exited the back hallway was not Isabella, yet she looked at Falden as she passed by his table as if she knew who he was. With a glance at Cassiel and Vander, his suspicions were confirmed. This was the woman that had accompanied Isabella.
Her friend was beautiful but not desirable the way Isabella was. She did not share the same curves, the same intense brown eyes, the dark intelligence or challenging stare that had him hard as a rock.
He had followed the Nice Guy’s Guide to the Hookup exactly, but the results were opposite to what he had hoped for. In fact, the fire in Isabella’s eyes looked more like anger than passion. He’d never dated a human female. Perhaps he’d misread her expression and she lingered in the restroom imagining all the things she wanted to do to his body.
He sure as hell had to fight to keep his own mind from wandering to what he would like to do with Isabella. Tease her breasts until her nipples ached for his touch, play with her body until she was writhing with need, pleasure her with his mouth, fill her with his seed. Falden clenched his fists beneath the table. He’d never desired a woman as much as he desired this human, yet he could do nothing about it.
He was a Lumerian Knight. A king’s assassin and leader of what was left of his people. He’d kept the survivors, his unit, and the Caldorian king alive by staying focused. Driven. Single-minded in his purpose. Survival was everything. They’d been hunted for two thousand years, and now Earth had been attacked in an attempt to draw them out. He needed to know who was giving her information. Who was betraying his people. He could not allow himself to get emotionally involved, no matter how much she tempted him. He would complete his mission. Remain calm and centered. Maintain control. Rolling his shoulders to ease the tension, he slowly and deliberately unclenched his hands, relaxed his pose and glanced toward the ladies’ room. Isabella still hadn’t come out.
With a slight frown he scanned the room for Isabella’s friend, surprised to see her heading directly for Cassiel and Vander, both of whom seemed interested in the woman coming toward them. Very interested. When they glanced in his direction, he gave a slight nod. Discreetly he touched his earpiece and murmured, “Stay on mission.”
Vander raised his water glass toward his lips, obscuring his moving lips. “And if she wants to play?”
Falden’s lips twitched with amusement. “The mission comes first. Adapt. Find out if she knows anything. Then you can play if she’s still agreeable. Lady’s choice.”
Falden chuckled when Cassiel groaned. He knew it was because women always wanted Vander. They literally threw themselves at him for some reason. This human wasn’t likely to respond any differently. Through his communication device he easily heard their conversation.
“Hi. I’m Jessica,” Isabella’s friend said as she neared Vander and Cassiel, sliding into a seated position next to Cassiel on the bench seat. “What’s a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?”
“Do you require assistance?” Vander asked, grinning.
Jessica laughed as she placed her hand on Cassiel’s wrist and leaned in closer to Vander. “Yes. As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Then we shall be of assistance in whatever manner we are able,” Cassiel insisted.
The woman smiled at his Knights, then glanced at the entrance to the hallway. He followed her gaze and found Isabella standing there, watching Jessica ambush his men with amused resignation and, if he wasn’t mistaken, a hint of longing. When Isabella turned to discover him watching, her cheeks turned a soft pink and she bit her lip in a way that made him want to take a nibble there himself.
What was wrong with him? This was an intelligence-gathering mission, nothing more. And Isabella was playing games. The auburn wig she wore was attractive, although not nearly as enticing as the dark black hair he knew was hidden beneath. She had hidden her eyes with large, dark-rimmed glasses. He could have told her that all she’d managed to do was provide the perfect frame for the dark, sultry pools. He couldn’t look away. Didn’t want to break contact. In a word, he was intrigued by the female. Treating her as an enemy, a spy, until he knew for sure what her intentions were toward his people, toward the Caldorians, would be nearly impossible if he didn’t start thinking with his head instead of his cock. He’d made a vow to protect his people, no matter the cost. For the first time in eons, he felt the sacrifice to the depths of his being.
She returned and he stood at once, held her chair out despite the confused look she gave him. Once she was seated, he resumed his place and nodded at the waiter, who had been watching them both.
With haste, the waiter placed a bleeding piece of meat he had little stomach for in front of him, and a mix of dark green leaves in front of Isabella. The smell of vinegar and feta cheese wafted through the air. She thanked the waiter, although he was sure the move was based more on civilized manners than any gratitude for the meal.
They both stared at their food in silence for long seconds until Isabella reached for her drink, lifted it to her lips, then set the still-full glass back on the table. The furrow between her brows told him as much about her indecision as the untouched beverage.
“Do you enjoy Scotch?” he asked.
“It’s fine,” she murmured, gently twisting the glass back and forth between her fingers.
“Excellent. That is why I ordered it for you.” Falden watched her closely. She’d gone to the ladies’ room full of fire and spitting daggers, then returned full of calm reserve.
Isabella swirled the amber liquid in her glass, her gaze pensive. “Is it? I noticed you’ve barely touched yours.”
“Ordering drinks is what is done on a human date,” he said, his tone confident.
Isabella laughed softly, leaned toward him and whispered, “Says who?”
Damn. He could not reveal his general lack of knowledge, nor his reliance on the dating guru’s article for help. He needed to gain her trust, not give her reasons to run.
Falden took his time formulating a response. “Says my…”
“Commander!” Gareth shouted through Falden’s communication device. “You’re not going to believe who just showed up! Get out of there! Now!”
Vander and Cassiel leaped to their feet as the front doors of the restaurant exploded inward, positioning themselves protectively in front of Jessica.
Instinctively Falden grabbed Isabella from her chair and threw her to the ground, covering her small frame with his as debris flew overhead, splinters and glass raining down on them with a tinkling noise as the humans in the restaurant screamed and ducked beneath their tables in panic and confusion.
Isabella wiggled, her soft body pressed to his. Need slammed into him. He couldn’t believe he was distracted while they were under attack. “Stay still,” he ordered, as a piece of debris nicked his forearm.
She wiggled beneath him again. “Get off me.”
Falden growled. “We’re under attack. Be still.”
“I can take care of myself.” Isabella reached for the red bag she carried and pulled it close to her chest as if guarding a treasure.
Falden turned to find Vander reaching under his table. He knew what Vander was doing. Vander had been safeguarding Falden’s sword, cloaked and invisible, right next to him. Now Vander slid Furon along the smooth hardwood floor. Falden couldn’t see the semiliquid sword but he could sense it. Feel the weapon that he’d chosen for himself, that had chosen him in return thousands of years ago when he’d been a young Knight. There was no need to se
e the blade. He closed his eyes and engaged his other senses. Reaching out, he wrapped his hand around the invisible pommel.
Cassiel had Jessica on the floor beneath him, covering her body with his as Vander ripped his shirt from his body, revealing a black tactical shoulder sling that hung over his left shoulder, spanned his chest, wound around his right hip and back around to complete a cross-body loop. Vander pulled a small triangular object no bigger than his thumb from the black sling. Instantaneously a laser pistol appeared in its place.
Falden shouted to Vander over the human screaming and panic. “Find Gareth. Take Cassiel and circle around the back. I’ll take the front.”
Vander shook his head. “Leave, Commander! Now. We’ll handle this. You must not be captured here.”
“Commander?” Isabella hissed into his shoulder. “Why do they keep calling you that? Your profile said you’re in Communications!”
Isabella wiggled again. Falden lowered his head, his lips nearly brushing her ear, the strong essence of vanilla and orange sending his body into overdrive. She smelled delicious. Even amidst the chaos of an attack, he wanted her. And now she knew his true rank. Enemies awaited out front, but he could not force himself to leave her behind.
He looked at Cassiel. “Keep Isabella’s friend safe!”
“Jessica. I’m Jessica,” the female shouted, nearly hysterical.
“Just let us go.” Isabella’s words were breathy, unsteady but not afraid. Falden imagined her using that same voice for other, more sensual demands.
“No.” His refusal was gut-deep, instinctual, but he didn’t have time to analyze his reactions. He turned to Vander. “You and Gareth do a sweep. Make it fast, before the human police arrive. And Vander, bring them to me alive.” They threatened the humans here, attacked the Lumerian Knights in public, threatened Isabella’s safety. That, above all things, incited his rage.
Vander’s grin was all the assurance he needed that his orders would be followed to the letter before Vander disappeared into thin air, as Falden had known he would. Under him, Isabella gasped.